Uplifting Smallholder Farmers
Boosting Commodity Trading
Creating New Investment Opportunities
We source, we sort, we grade, we store and we deliver . By doing so, we ensure our customer specifications are met. Check our commodities and their grading parameters and select one that meets your specification requirements.

Supporting smallholder farmers scale their operations
By providing smallholder farmers with the much needed mechanization and extension support and providing them with brokerage services on formalized commodity exchanges, they are able to scale production and earn a better income.
Improving Smallholder farmer income
Each ton traded through Traderex translates into extra income for a farmer

Elevating smallholder farmer production
By providing smallholder farmers with the much-needed mechanization, extension support, and warehousing we are elevating their production and reducing post-harvest losses.

Land preparation


Connecting the continent to the world market
Minimal Risk Trading
Trading African commodities on formalized and regulated exchanges is safe and secure.
Quality Assurance
All commodities traded are graded and adhere to specification parameters.
Integrating Markets
Connecting African farmers to the wider international market.

Opening doors to new investment opportunities
The shift to a formalized and regulated trading environment paves the way for a wide range of market players. Growing the sector and attracting new investments.
Our Services
Commodity Supply
We supply a range of commodities to customers all over the world. We utilize all available channels on the supply chain to deliver our commodities efficiently and responsibly.
Commodity Brokers
As registered brokers at the Ghana Commodity Exchange we provide services to individual investors, traders and institutions looking to trade and/or invest in the commodity market in Ghana.
Market information
We provide market information on the commodities market to update our Customers and Clients on market situations.
Our Partners